MRI: Cochlear™ Osia® System

Discover how Cochlear™ Osia® implants are conditional with an MRI scan and see what you should do before you have such a test.

Cochlear Osia Implants: designed for MRI at 1.5 T and 3.0 T

Our Osia implants are what we call ‘MRI conditional’. This means medical professionals can do an MRI scan on someone with an Osia implant only under very specific conditions.

People with an Osia system can be scanned by an MRI machine at 1.5 T or 3 T. For MRI scans at 3T, the internal magnet needs to be temporarily removed by a small medical procedure*.

Anyone with an Osia Implant must remove all external components of their Osia system (e.g. the sound processor) before they enter a room where there is an MRI scanner.

Please talk to your clinician about precautions before you have an MRI scan.

Committed to helping you

MRI compatibility of the implant is only one of many considerations when choosing an implant system from Cochlear.

Combined with our exceptional reliability record, everything about our implant design supports our commitment to our recipients.


*MRI indications at 1.5 T and 3 T may differ between countries. Please talk to your clinician about the specific indication in your country.